Poster Presentation COSA-IPOS Joint Scientific Meeting 2012

A regional model for sustainable change through redesigning cancer care (#854)

Melissa Loorham 1 , Heather Davis 1 , Lisa Brady 1 , Sue Liersch 1 , Tracey Tobias 1
  1. Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service, East Bentleigh, VIC, Australia

To develop a sustainable and transferable change model utilising redesigning care methodology by:
• increasing the capacity of the Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer service (SMICS) to lead others in process redesign methodology
• providing professional development for dietitians to carry out projects across the SMICS region
• establishing a regional network of dietitians to foster ownership to implement sustainable change.
A consultant was engaged to upskill the SMICS staff in the reVIEW redesigning care program and coach them to deliver the program to dietitians representing four SMICS member health services. Health service executives identified dietitians working in oncology to participate in the program.
Participants undertook redesigning care projects within their respective health services, utilising the following reVIEW methods:
• value stream mapping the patient pathway
• A3 problem solving
• stakeholder engagement
• presentations to colleagues, managers and multidisciplinary teams
Three SMICS staff co-facilitated eight sessions under the guidance of a coach. Nine dietitians participated in the program, carrying out process redesign work on four discrete projects and highlighting additional areas for future redesign.
The four projects focused on tumour streams in which patients were at high risk for malnutrition i.e. Upper Gastro-intestinal and another, a service interface issue.
The evaluation findings of the program were positive, indicating benefits in:
• regional networking
• stakeholders engagement
• sustainable change
• enhanced transferable skill sets
• whole of systems approach
• increased leadership capacity
A strong regional dietetic network has been established, SMICS will support this group to meet regularly to share progress of their ongoing redesigning care projects.
SMICS has been successful in implementing a regional, sustainable and transferable model of interdisciplinary networking and redesigning care.